Monday 21 March 2011

Lucinda - 7.Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have in the progression from it to the full product?

In our preliminary task, we had problems with continuity and match on action. This was due to a lack of experience with editing, so when cutting scenes we found it difficult to make it specific enough for match on action to look realistic and the cuts were not quick enough when there was a conversation so there were pauses and it didn't flow continuously.

An example of where match on action was used in our preliminary was when the door was opened, you can see the same action of the door first being opened is repeated, and therefore you can also hear the sound of the door opening twice.

An example of where match on action is used in our final product is when the victim falls over, and the action of her falling is well matched with the second cut of her falling so the fall looks believable. This is because we had learnt from this mistake in the preliminary and our editing skills had improved since the preliminary as we became better at using IMovie.

However, in our preliminary we did manage to keep to the 180 degree rule and used shot reverse shot to show the expressions of the characters during their conversation.

We did not keep to the 180 degree rule in our final product, but this was something we had decided on as it made it easier for us to get a high angle shot of the victim when she was on the floor to make her look vulnerable. It was also not as important for us to keep to the 180 degree rule in our final product as the focus was on the victim Alice for the majority of the opening so it was not as confusing for the audience for us to break the 180 degree rule as it would have been if we had broken it during the preliminary which showed a two way conversation. Breaking the 180 degree rule also added to the feeling of panic when Alice was running because it makes the situation come across as more out of control, which also helps convey Alice's mental instability.

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