Monday 28 March 2011

David 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Preliminary task

Learnt about:
90 degree rule
shot reverse shot
how to use the equipment

Full product

used the techniques learnt in the preliminary for the full product.
I felt confident in using the equipment because the preliminary had gone well. I had good control over the camera and used a range of shots to good effect.
I was very confident with the filming because I had already realized where i had gone wrong and had changed that before filming the full product. Many things I had done wrong included having things in shot that where not supposed to be there, such as the legs of the tripod.


I feel that I have progressed because I have developed my skills, such as using the cameras and other pieces of equipment. I went from not knowing how to use camera's or tracks to being able to use both efficiently. I developed the ability to get what I wanted in the shot and get rid of unwanted things. I was able to use learnt techniques such as the 90 degree rule and shot reverse shot effectively and easily.
I am confident in using the equipment and the skills learnt now come naturally to me when filming.

David 6 - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

David 5 - How did you attract/adress your audience?

We attracted our audience by showing them things in the film that are part of their lives. For example our target audience are teenagers between the ages of 15-18, most people in this category are still in school so our opening is filmed in a school.
Our target audience is known for having up to date mobiles and a page on a social networking site, we decided to include this in our film. Our target audience can relate to this as they use mobile, we also use the sound of a text message and then show the message appear.

David 4 - Who would be your audience for your media product?

These are pie charts that where made according to our survey. As you can see the largest sections are from white 15-18 year olds, so by using this information we were able to select actors based on age and ethnicity. 

David 3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I think that an independent media institution might distribute our media product because our product changes stereotypes and merges characters together, our main character is seen as a threat but is the victim. The same is said for our villain as he could be someone who helps her but goes against this.

Films distributed by independent media institutions have to use their own money to make the film, this would me that either we, our school or the institution would have to pay. Independent institutions include Momentum pictures and Film 4.

David 2 - How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our main character can be seen as a middle class innocent girl. We used the white costume to show that she was innocent.

Our villain is seen as a working class boy, this uses the stereotype because when thinking about working class boys you imagine them wearing hoods. The costume for our villain is black with a hood, the black then emphasizes that he is a villain.