Sunday 6 February 2011

Analysis of thriller openings

The thrillers I am going to talk about are fight club and the sixth sense.

Right from the beginning fight club shows the typical conventions of a thriller. You can hear a loud unnatural sounding piece of music which accompanies the camera on a journey through Edward Norton's mind.
The film starts at the primeval center of Norton's mind where a spark flashes and starts to move through his brain, this spark shows his mental state of mind which relates to our film because our main character is mentally unstable. Fight club also relates to our film because Edward Norton's character imagines that he is talking to 'Tyler Durden', but it turns out that Tyler Durden is not real. In our film our main character also thinks they are talking to someone who is imagined to be real.

The sixth sense shows signs of a conventional thriller from the start. The opening is set at night in the bedroom of a large American house, the wife of the main character walks into the room and notices that a curtain is being blown by a small breeze. A shadow flashes behind both of them and they find an insane man in their bathroom. This can relate to our film because the way we want the 'bad guy' to move is similar to the way the insane man moved.
The sixth sense also used music to create tension, when Bruce Willis is slowly walking towards the bathroom, the music crescendos and gets louder. We have decided to use a piece of music which uses high pitched tones to build tension.  


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